wtorek, 26 października 2010

Reset Skill

1. After completing the quest and receiving a Divine Circle piece, equip it onto your costume/fairy slot.

2. Talk to Jeffi, the NPC in azran. It will cost you 5m to do this so make sure you have 1,000,000 gold in your inventory. You will now have a full Divine circle in your inventory.
3. Once again, equip this onto your costume/fairy slot then talk to Shaman in azran.

4. You have now reset your skill points by 50/100 depending on the divine circle you used.

  •  Pure Full divine circle = 100 skill points reset
  •  Pure divine circle = 50 skill points reset
  • Also, quoting from the WYD Global Team; .. 
  • "Pure Div Circle = can reset once per char"
  • "Pure Full Div Circle = can reset repeatedly"

Creating a Guild

Creating a Guild

1.  Your inventory must contain 100,000,000 gold as this is the price of creating a guild.

2.  In the chat window, type "/create [guild name]" and then submit.

3.  The 'Medal of Guild Master' will appear in your inventory and your 100m gold will disappear 
from your inventory.

4. Equip the 'Medal of Guild Master' onto your character to form your guild. (once you quip this, it is impossible to unequip it however you may use the "/handover [name of character]" command to transfer your medal to another character.)

ATENÇÃO - In-game Error

WYDians amados!

A Equipe de GMs vem novamente ALERTAR, para evitar quaisquer operações no jogo com ouro, itens de alto valor e NPCs que estão listados abaixo:

NPC Nell
All Premium Items (from Nell or other NPC)
Spirit's Seal
Gold Wyden
Silver Coin
Gold (Inventory)
Character Transcending (Hardcore/God/Celestial/Soul)
Item Enchantments
God Item Combinations
Ancient Systems

Nota: Todos os casos que envolvem os itens / NPCs que estão listados acima não seram atendidos.

Nós também gostaríamos de convidar a todos que, uma vez que você encontrar um bug ou erro, você pode nos enviar um relatório detalhado com a imagem, se possível no nosso Q & A Secção para nos ajudar a determinar e corrigi-los mais rapidamente.
Também estaremos adiando nossos eventos dentro do jogo por enquanto, incluindo a nossa
Academy e Advance Academy Sessions.

Beware WYDians

Cuidado WYDians !!!


A Equipe de GMs gostaríam de informar que há jogadores tentando vender  God Sets, Weapons, and other High Grade Stuffs +11 ~ +15 bem baratos em dinheiro real ou Gold até mesmo em Cash. Não compre esses itens porque pode banir sua conta e todas as suas sub-conta, uma vez provado a existência desses itens DUP na sua conta você terá  violado a nossa advertência sobre este assunto.
Por favor, evite este tipo de operação para eliminar a circulação desses itens dentro do jogo. Nunca patrocine ilegalmente itens DUP produzidos no jogo.
Gostaríamos de pedir a ajuda de todos os WYDians para manter-se vigilantes e enviar Q & A,
com imagens em anexo de suspeitos .
Obrigado por seu contínuo apoio!

środa, 20 października 2010

Blog Op/chiefs

Postal2601PH – http://postal2601ph-wydguide.blogspot.com/
-KHI- – http://www.wyd4global.blogspot.com/
Mimzii – http://wydguide.blogspot.com/
MirageFoema – http://www.miragefoemawyd.blogspot.com/
RHONSKY – http://www.rhonskywydglobal.blogspot.com/
itcheng – http://itchengphacad.blogspot.com/
-Cr1pS1d3- – http://wydcripsideph.blogspot.com/
-AveNgeD671- – http://wydavenged671ph.blogspot.com/
igyz0123 – http://igyz0123phacad.blogspot.com/
BOY-i-AM – http://boyiamph.blogspot.com/
HarDy1717 – http://hardy1717-wydglobal.blogspot.com/
Eyelin – http://www.eyelin.blogspot.com/
-EJ- – http://ejswyd.blogspot.com/
IAmFallenHT – http://fallenhero17.blogspot.com/
wredna – http://wredna-wydglobal.blogspot.com/
-Wredny- – http://www.wredny-wydglobal.blogspot.com/
Pasqda – http://pasqda-wydglobal.blogspot.com/
XSPELL – http://xspell.blogspot.com/
Violet5 – http://violet5wyd.blogspot.com/
I-am-ED – http://wydsweden.freeforums.org/index.php
—-MJ—- – http://wydglobal-mike.blogspot.com/
MG-Knight – http://sgacademyguild.wordpress.com/
X-XMaGiCX-X – http://magicswydblog.blogspot.com/
CyyKoxeeer – http://www.cyykoblog.blogspot.com/
ThunderBr-FM – http://thunderbrbrazilacademy.blogspot.com/
Sprinkler – http://sprinklerbrazilacademy.blogspot.com/
-TheBlinker- – http://theblinkercomborox.blogspot.com/
Han-2 – http://han-2blogfromwydglobal.blogspot.com/
LouieLouie http://yovan-louielouie.blogspot.com/
-CrazyLegit- http://macsaria19.wordpress.com/
-ReMNaNT- http://remnantdemonsguild.myblogsite.com/
Wapi http://chief-wapi.blogspot.com/


00:00~03:00 Game time
Global Academy
12:00~15:00 Game time
USA Academy
Brazil Academy
Turkey Academy
Germany Academy
Poland Academy
Grats for ALL NEW OPERATOR and good luck