piątek, 26 listopada 2010

mount system

The Origins of Mount
Within the land of Armia are certain animals that are tamed and domesticated. As mankind's domain extends gradually, these animals have now become the best forms of human transportation. In time, the vital roles of these animals have increased phenomenally. Due to rising demands, a new kind of job is formed in Armia. The people in Armia have become adept in hunting wild and animal training, as they now make their livelihood by selling these animals that can be ridden.
Mount System

- There are 8 species of animals and 10 types of horses which can be used as mount.
- Mounts help to increase the player's battle dexterity, attack capability and movement speed, depending on
  what mount/pet you have.
- When using a mount, it will have different intensity in the level of power in attack, magic attack, dodging
  speed, defense level and others
Growth System

- At the start, it will not be possible to ride the mount. It has to undergo the complete stage development from
  egg to a foal.
- To complete the transformation of egg to foal, 'Oriharukon Powder' or 'Laktorerium Powder' is needed.
- The foal will grow stronger and bigger whenever you kill monsters.
- After completing the development stage of the mount, its attack and magic power also increases.

Where To Equip The Mount
- The Egg or mount is equipped at the top left portion of the Equipment Menu. All of the mount's effect (food consumption, experience and mount effect) will be shown at the portion where the egg or mount is being equipped.

Attention WYDians!!!

We're giving a warning to everyone that whoever is caught using the bugged mount and abusing bugged NPCs for easy acquisition of golds are going to be BANNED PERMANENTLY and we're no longer going to give amnesty this time!


We're currently checking all the accounts of our beloved players. Possession of questionable amount of gold in Hundreds of Millions or Billions may result on your account to be banned if proven they were produced,traded, or obtained illegally. BEWARE! Dispose all your illegal GOLDS or get banned. This includes GOLDS obtained from a sold overpriced items !!!

Blog Op/chiefs

Below are the the blog links and the corresponding Academy Points earned by each Ops/Chiefs for the period November 12 ~ November 18, 2010. We encourage all WYDians to check and read their blogs for guides, news, gossips, tips, strategies and any issues related in the game. Thank you for your continuous support.

Academy / Advance Academy Guild Operator Blog Link Points
Australia Academy HT-Revenge http://ausrevenge.blogspot.com/ 0
Brazil Academy michelita11 http://www.wydglobalbr.blogspot.com/ 160
LordRaizen http://lordraizen.blogspot.com/ 70
ThunderBr-FM http://thunderbrbrazilacademy.blogspot.com/ 200
InsomniaLost http://www.insomnialost-wyd.blogspot.com/ 100
Sprinkler http://sprinklerbrazilacademy.blogspot.com/ 0
-TheBlinker- http://theblinkercomborox.blogspot.com/ 0
Global Academy -NiTSUKi- http://www.nitsuki11.blogspot.com/ 100

FM-semNome http://fm-semnome.blogspot.com/ 110
iTunes http://www.itunes21wyd.blogspot.com/ 90
RHONSKY http://www.rhonskywydglobal.blogspot.com/ 50
-KHI- http://www.wyd4global.blogspot.com/ 80

Malaysia Academy Silent-Kills http://wydsillentkills.blogspot.com/ 0
Han-2 http://han-2blogfromwydglobal.blogspot.com/ 0
Philippines Academy BOY-i-AM http://boyiamph.blogspot.com/ 120
-Cr1pS1d3- http://wydcripsideph.blogspot.com/ 100
-AveNgeD671- http://wydavenged671ph.blogspot.com/ 100
igyz0123 http://igyz0123phacad.blogspot.com/ 120
itcheng http://itchengphacad.blogspot.com/ 230
Poland Academy Pasqda http://pasqda-wydglobal.blogspot.com/ 250
wredna http://wredna-wydglobal.blogspot.com/ 260
-Wredny- http://www.wredny-wydglobal.blogspot.com/ 280
dex-HT-PL http://wydglobal-pl.blogspot.com/ 50
LeczeWas http://leczewas-wydglobal.blogspot.com/ 0
Singapore Academy dollii http://sgacademy.wordpress.com/ 40
MG-Knight http://sgacademyguild.wordpress.com/ 30
Sweden Academy XSPELL http://xspell.blogspot.com/ 180
I-am-ED http://wydsweden.freeforums.org/index.php 0
USA Academy -EJ- http://ejswyd.blogspot.com/ 20

ANGELS Guild Althalos http://althaloswyd.blogspot.com/ 0
oLivenes http://olivenesst3funwyd.blogspot.com/ 100
MissHitt http://misshitt-wyd.blogspot.com/ 50
renu http://www.renuswydblog.blogspot.com/ 80
Isora http://wyd4fun.blogspot.com/ 80
DEM0NS Guild -AhB3n- http://wydahbengs.wordpress.com/2010/10/18/hello-world/
LouieLouie http://yovan-louielouie.blogspot.com/ 140
-ReMNaNT- http://remnantdemonsguild.myblogsite.com/ 0
Wapi http://chief-wapi.blogspot.com/ 0

Note: We are expecting more blogs and higher Points next week from those Ops/Chiefs with red mark for them to retain their position.

Attention WYDIANS!

Thank you very much for your patience. We are glad to inform you that all our servers are now up and accessible. Happy gaming!

Thank you for your continuous support and may the Blessing of Sephira be with you!

Attention WYDians!

We would like to inform all that our Weekly Server Maintenance will take place on November 25, 2010 at 02:00 GT - 04:00 GT for us to be able to provide the best services for all the players of WYD Global.


♦ For any comments, questions and suggestions or anything in-game related, kindly send us a report on Q&A Section.

♦ For any complaints about unanswered Q&A posts, impolite GM answers or replies, do not hesitate to send them to QnA Section.

♦ For any potential business partnership with WYD Global, E-Pin / Prepaid Card Distribution, please send an e-mail to QnA

For any inquiry or technical problem, kindly use our Q&A Section and GMs will respond as soon as possible!

Thank you for your continuous patronage!


Oriharukon Powder

Armia, Chaos Troll
Armia, Dragon Puppy
Armia, Fallen Troll
Armia, Freak Troll
Armia, Half Orc
Armia, Hunter Troll
Armia, Orc Knight
Armia, Troll
Azran, Archer Cyclops
Azran, Bloody Cyclops
Azran, Carbuncle
Azran, Cruel Cyclops
Azran, Cyclops
Azran, Dread Taurus
Azran, Elder Cyclop
Azran, Ghoul
Azran, Ghoul Chief
Azran, High Carbuncle
Azran, Minotaur
Azran, Orc Doctor
Azran, Orc Shaman
Azran, Taurus King
Azran, Zakum Picket
Desert, Adamant Taron
Desert, Archer Taron
Desert, Assasin Taron
Desert, Bandits Taron
Desert, Hell Spider
Desert, Iron Taron
Desert, Mantrap
Desert, Purble Worm
Desert, Rujeper
Desert, Taron
Desert, Treant
Desert Dungeon, Crimson Widow
Dungeon, Bone Dragon
Dungeon, Copper Dragon
Dungeon, Dark Elf
Dungeon, Dark Elf Witch
Dungeon, Dark Knight
Dungeon, Death Knight
Dungeon, Fire Golem
Dungeon, Froggy Assassin
Dungeon, Gargole
Dungeon, Golden Hydra(BOSS)
Dungeon, Grimlok
Dungeon, Hatchling
Dungeon, Hydra
Dungeon, Odd Frog
Dungeon, Skel Archer
Dungeon, Skeleton
Dungeon, Skeleton Conjurer
Dungeon, Skeleton Knight
Dungeon, Skeleton Spearman
Dungeon, Skeleton Warrior
Dungeon, Stone Golem
Dungeon, Wise Gargole(BOSS)
Dungeon, Zombie Bear
Dungeon, Zombie Troll
Snowfield, Dark Shadow
Snowfield, Verid
Underworld, Argos
Underworld, Argos Wanderer
Underworld, Dark Elf Knight
Underworld, Dark Elven Abjurer
Underworld, Demo Gorgon
Underworld, Moloch
Underworld, Undead Chief
Underworld, Undead Troll (Under)
Underworld, Water Golem

Laktorerium Powder

Armia, Chaos Troll
Armia, Fallen Troll
Azran, Archer Cyclops
Azran, Bloody Cyclops
Azran, Cruel Cyclops
Azran, Cyclops
Azran, Dread Taurus
Azran, Elder Cyclop
Azran, Ghoul Chief
Azran, High Carbuncle
Azran, Orc Doctor
Azran, Orc Shaman
Azran, Taurus King
Azran, Zakum Picket
Desert, Adamant Taron
Desert, Archer Taron
Desert, Assasin Taron
Desert, Bandits Taron
Desert, Hell Spider
Desert, Iron Taron
Desert, Mantrap
Desert, Purble Worm
Desert, Rujeper
Desert, Rujeper Broken(BOSS)
Desert, Taron
Desert, Treant
Desert Dungeon, Crimson Widow
Desert Dungeon, Wriggle Swarm
Dungeon, Bone Dragon
Dungeon, Copper Dragon
Dungeon, Dark Elf
Dungeon, Dark Elf Witch
Dungeon, Dark Knight
Dungeon, Death Knight
Dungeon, Demon Lord(BOSS)
Dungeon, Fire Golem
Dungeon, Froggy Assassin
Dungeon, Gargole
Dungeon, Grimlok
Dungeon, Hatchling
Dungeon, Hydra
Dungeon, Odd Frog
Dungeon, Skel Archer
Dungeon, Skeleton
Dungeon, Skeleton Conjurer
Dungeon, Skeleton Knight
Dungeon, Skeleton Spearman
Dungeon, Skeleton Warrior
Dungeon, Stone Golem
Dungeon, Zombie Bear
Dungeon, Zombie Troll
Snowfield, Dark Shadow
Snowfield, Verid
Underworld, Argos
Underworld, Argos Wanderer
Underworld, Dark Elf Knight
Underworld, Dark Elven Abjurer
Underworld, Demo Gorgon
Underworld, Moloch
Underworld, Undead Chief
Underworld, Undead Troll (Under)
Underworld, Water Golem

Oriharukon Scrap

Armia, Agmo Gremlin
Desert Dungeon, Crimson Widow
Desert Dungeon, Funer Scyther
Desert Dungeon, Golden Widower
Desert Dungeon, Horizon Copper
Desert Dungeon, Wriggle Swarm

Laktorerium Scrap

Armia, Agmo Carbuncle
Desert Dungeon, Batorero
Desert Dungeon, Funer Scyther
Desert Dungeon, Horizon Copper
Desert Dungeon, Lich Crunt(BOSS)
Desert Dungeon, Wriggle Swarm
Underworld, Agmo Argos

Ring Drop List

Ring of Mana
Azran, Ghoul Chief
Dungeon, Skeleton

Ring of Power
Armia, Orc Knight

Bracelet Drop List

Bracelet of Agility
Azran, High Carbuncle

Bracelet of Life
Azran, Ghoul Chief
Dungeon, Skeleton

Bracelet of Mana
Azran, Ghoul Chief
Azran, High Carbuncle
Dungeon, Skeleton

Bracelet of Strength
Dungeon, Skeleton

piątek, 19 listopada 2010

Builds for HT chars

1. Hunter

Na pvp:

str: 300-400
int: 0
dex: MAX
con: 1100-1300

Na pvm:

str: MAX
int: 0
dex: 400
con: 600-1000

Last skill z Survival daje więcej ataku
Last skill z Trade daje hp
Last skll z Capture daje niewidzialność

Builds for BM chars

7. BM Summoner
str: 180 (pod seta)
int: MAX
dex: 0
con: 200

Weź last z Summon

8. Nature BM

str: MAX
int: 179 (pod seta)
dex: 400
con: 600-1000

Weź last z Nature

9. Elemental BM

str: 180 (pod seta)
int: MAX
dex: 0 (450na  pvp)
con: 500

Weź last z Element


Koszt last skilli:
Mortal - 5m
God - 10m
Celestial - 50m

Attention WYDIANS!

Thank you very much for your patience. We are glad to inform you that all our servers are now up and accessible. Happy gaming!

We had the bugged NPCs fixed. We will now start the investigation of all banned accounts. All Gold, Silver Wyden, and items associated with the bug will be deleted and not subjected for return/claim. All account are not excused for checking and we are expecting all WYDians' cooperation with this.

Reminder to all! Please refrain from using Gold Wyden, and keep those items on your cargo for future usage. Until now, NPC Nell accepts TCoins (previously called WCoins) only.

If ever you encountered some errors, bugs or other problems, please send a report to our Q&A Section as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continuous support and may the Blessing of Sephira be with you!

Attention WYDians!

 w would like to inform all that our Weekly Server Maintenance will take place on November 18, 2010 at 02:00 GT - 04:00 GT for us to be able to provide the best services for all the players of WYD Global.


♦ For any comments, questions and suggestions or anything in-game related, kindly send us a report on Q&A Section.

♦ For any complaints about unanswered Q&A posts, impolite GM answers or replies, do not hesitate to send them to QnA Section.

♦ For any potential business partnership with WYD Global, E-Pin / Prepaid Card Distribution, please send an e-mail to QnA

For any inquiry or technical problem, kindly use our Q&A Section and GMs will respond as soon as possible!

Thank you for your continuous patronage!

To our dearest WYDians,

We have verified that most of the NPC's are bugged and the items they sell can be bought for a cheaper value and not at their designated prices. We would like to warn everyone to avoid any transactions from NPC's on the said servers. Starting today, we will be checking our logs from time to time and players who will be caught having transactions with the said NPC's will be considered as bug abusers and will be banned without question, excuses or explanation. Please be advised to avoid those areas. We would also like to advise players to be vigilant and send us a report if ever you encounter any players with highly questionable amount of gold. Thank you for your cooperation!

*To all those who have transacted with the said NPC's before this notice was posted, we are willing to grant amnesty. Simply send us a Q&A so that we can delete your bugged gold. This will serve as an option for you not to get banned.*

Reminder to all. We still advise everyone to avoid any transactions for further loss in regard to them will still be disregarded. We are expecting every WYDian to comply with our Game Management Policy as stated below:

2-4 Cooperation with GM. Everyone must respond as quickly as possible when the GM or operators are requesting for cooperation whether from inside the game or at the homepage.
3-1 Role of GM. The GMs will investigate thoroughly all forms of bugs and bug abusers. Anyone caught abusing system bugs will be sanctioned accordingly as stated in the conditions and operation policy of the game.
5-1 System and bug abuse. Some customer abuses bug or system problem inside the game. This bug or system problem destroys the integrity of the game. Customers who will get caught in the act of abusing these bugs will be sanctioned accordingly. When a bug is discovered, kindly inform the GMs immediately so they can initiate a quick and accurate investigation of the said bugs.
9-1 Abusive User/Watchlist. The account is considered part of the watchlist when, at the game or in the website, the user utters curses to others/violates rules of conduct or destroy the credibility of the game by abusing system bugs.
Above all, customers must create a game culture that is healthy and enjoyable to all. Customers, who destroy the gaming environment as whole or part of a group, will be given a corresponding penalty.

Thank you and may the blessing of the Sephira be with you all!

To our Dearest WYDians,

We would like to inform everyone that we are not closing. Please give us more time to fix all the current problem. Our developers are already attending to the problem. We would like to ask for your patience in waiting for further notice regarding this matter. We too are also hoping for the sooner resolution of this issue.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you and may the blessing of the Sephira be with you all!

środa, 10 listopada 2010

Blog Op/chiefs

Below are the the blog links and the corresponding Academy Points earned by each Ops/Chiefs for the period October 29~November 4, 2010. We encourage all WYDians to check and read their blogs for guides, news, gossips, tips, strategies and any issues related in the game. Thank you for your continuous support.

Academy / Advance Academy Guild Operator Blog Link Points
Australia Academy HT-Revenge http://ausrevenge.blogspot.com/ 50
Brazil Academy michelita11 http://www.wydglobalbr.blogspot.com/ 100
LordRaizen http://lordraizen.blogspot.com/ 80
ThunderBr-FM http://thunderbrbrazilacademy.blogspot.com/ 180
InsomniaLost http://www.insomnialost-wyd.blogspot.com/ 190
Sprinkler http://sprinklerbrazilacademy.blogspot.com/ 70
-TheBlinker- http://theblinkercomborox.blogspot.com/ 0
Global Academy -NiTSUKi- http://www.nitsuki11.blogspot.com/ 60
King-Colosus http://wydianchat.blogspot.com/ 0
FM-semNome http://fm-semnome.blogspot.com/ 170
iTunes http://www.itunes21wyd.blogspot.com/ 100
RHONSKY http://www.rhonskywydglobal.blogspot.com/ 80
-KHI- http://www.wyd4global.blogspot.com/ 0
Mimzii http://wydguide.blogspot.com/ 0
http://www.miragefoemawyd.blogspot.com/ 0
Malaysia Academy Silent-Kills http://wydsillentkills.blogspot.com/ 0
Han-2 http://han-2blogfromwydglobal.blogspot.com/ 0
Philippines Academy BOY-i-AM http://boyiamph.blogspot.com/ 60
-Cr1pS1d3- http://wydcripsideph.blogspot.com/ 120
-AveNgeD671- http://wydavenged671ph.blogspot.com/ 30
igyz0123 http://igyz0123phacad.blogspot.com/ 80
itcheng http://itchengphacad.blogspot.com/ 60
Poland Academy Pasqda http://pasqda-wydglobal.blogspot.com/ 90
wredna http://wredna-wydglobal.blogspot.com/ 180
-Wredny- http://www.wredny-wydglobal.blogspot.com/ 50
dex-HT-PL http://wydglobal-pl.blogspot.com/ 60
LeczeWas http://leczewas-wydglobal.blogspot.com/ 40
Singapore Academy dollii http://sgacademy.wordpress.com/ 100
MG-Knight http://sgacademyguild.wordpress.com/ 0
Sweden Academy XSPELL http://xspell.blogspot.com/ 50
I-am-ED http://wydsweden.freeforums.org/index.php 20
USA Academy -EJ- http://ejswyd.blogspot.com/ 90
TK-HM http://tk-hm.blogspot.com/ 30
ANGELS Guild Althalos http://althaloswyd.blogspot.com/ 60
oLivenes http://olivenesst3funwyd.blogspot.com/ 50
MissHitt http://misshitt-wyd.blogspot.com/ 60
renu http://www.renuswydblog.blogspot.com/ 30
Isora http://wyd4fun.blogspot.com/ 50
DEM0NS Guild -AhB3n- http://wydahbengs.wordpress.com/2010/10/18/hello-world/ 10
LouieLouie http://yovan-louielouie.blogspot.com/ 0
-ReMNaNT- http://remnantdemonsguild.myblogsite.com/ 40
Wapi http://chief-wapi.blogspot.com/ 20

Note: We are expecting more blogs and higher Points next week from those Ops/Chiefs with red mark for them to retain their position.

Daylight Saving Time

Hello Guys!! WydGlobal moved 1 hour back because of the Daylight Saving Time. So ajust yours clocks to follow the game's daily activities.

All Server UP!

Hello Guys!! Already finish the maintenance. So you can conect to continue playing!
Happy Gaming!

Daily Event Schedule - UpDate

Hello Guys!! Daily Event Schedule update. Now with new Game Time have new time for daily events. Here little info about times:




12:00 - 15:00 GAME TIME

11:00 - 14:00 GAME TIME

18:00 - 21:00 GAME TIME

17:00 - 20:00 GAME TIME

00:00 - 03:00 GAME TIME

23:00 - 02:00 GAME TIME

06:00 - 09:00 GAME TIME

05:00 - 08:00 GAME TIME





13:00 - 16:00 GAME TIME

12:00 - 15:00 GAME TIME

20:00 - 23:00 GAME TIME

19:00 - 22:00 GAME TIME

07:00 - 10:00 GAME TIME

06:00 - 09:00 GAME TIME


11:00 - 14:00 GAME TIME

10:00 - 13:00 GAME TIME

20:00 - 23:00 GAME TIME

19:00 - 22:00 GAME TIME

04:00 - 07:00 GAME TIME

03:00 - 06:00 GAME TIME


























Friday - 22:00 GAME TIME


Saturday - 09:00 GAME TIME


Sunday - 16:00 GAME TIME

PrisangNell avaible!

Hello Guys! You can now access to NPC PrisangNell. You should use WYD Laucher to patch your client automatically. This will fix the problem on accessing the said NPC.
For the meantime, NPC PrisangNell will only accept TCoins (WCoins). Please Keep your Gold Wydens safe in your cargo for future usage.

Happy Gaming!!

wtorek, 2 listopada 2010


We have been receiving reports that there are players who are selling highly upgraded equipments and huge amount of gold in-game in exchange for a reasonable amount of Real Money. We would like to inform you that those items are confirmed Illegal and you will be permanently banned if you get caught possessing those said items. Please be advised to be more vigilant and kindly send us a report if ever you bump into any suspicious players selling the said illegal items.

Perfect Attendance Ops/Chief

Here is the list of Operators and Chiefs who can receive the Perfect Attendance Reward for their whole month of duty last October 2010 without any absences, lates or excuses.

Name of Operators:


Name of Chiefs:


Please choose one (1) for your special reward :


+0 Ancient God Weapon (Drop/PD/Exp/AD) (63DMG/28MAP)


1 Piece +0 God Armor of their choice and here are the following option:

PANTS = 30 DEF / 10 MAP
GLOVES = 30 DEF / 10 MAP
BOOTS = 30 DMG / 10 MAP

PANTS = 30 DMG / 7.0 CRIT
GLOVES = 30 DMG / 30 DEF
BOOTS = 30 DMG / 18 SM

1 Piece +0 Spirit Stone

- 10/10 Fire / Ice
- 4% HP
- 10/10 Holy / Lightning
- 2% Crit

Note: Operators need to send in our Op Q&A section the reward of their choice and Chiefs on Q&A section for us to be able to send it in their cargo.

Congratulations and keep up the good work!!!